Well, I got a new computer! I'm still going to ship the Compaq back and see if they can fix it. However, when it comes back, I'll strongly consider running Linux on it. At least then I could debug it when it refused to boot...
I also did something I almost never do--I bought the extended warranty. So for the next three years, if the Sony craps out I can take it in (no sending it through the mail, thank you very much) and if they can't fix it in a day they'll give me a loaner. Added about 15% to the cost of the computer. After my computer karma, I think it's cheap at the price...
So the better part of a day was spent getting my new computer up, and loading all my software. I had a moment of panic when I discovered that this computer didn't come with Microsoft Office preloaded, and I couldn't find my Office 2000 CD. But it eventually turned up, and I was able to get office loaded in also. A relief.
My Direct-PC Internet connection was also being cranky--very slow for several hours, and then died utterly for 4 hours or so. It has the worlds most annoying way of dying. It puts up not one but two error boxes every 30 seconds or so, and tries to call in and report the problem. If I delete the boxes, back they pop in 30 seconds. I couldn't even reboot the system, since these boxes interfere with the Start button. I finally unplugged the phone line and the satellite connection from the computer. Profoundly irritating.
I had a most interesting several days. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon helping Diana switch her cellular service so she could use a phone that works (her old clunker holds a charge for about 2 minutes. Literally). We waited for over an hour in one cellular store, only to discover that they couldn't use the kind of phone she had. So off to another one that was literally empty when we walked in. Then off to a wonderful dinner with Diana and Eson.
I had also been in fitful discussions with one of the local extension schools, who wanted Sam and me to teach a class based on our book. There is a lot of crud we have to go through the first time--applications and references. I spent several hours yesterday getting the last set of applications put together.
So today, I woke up really early, and visited a church I had been interested in. It was absolutely wonderful--great people, a fantastic guest speaker (the regular pair of ministers were on vacation), nice music, and a nice long meditation in the middle. Yum. If only they weren't 45 minutes away. There are one or two more churches I want to check out, but I think this one is a keeper. Now to see whether Diana likes it...
Then I met a woman in my meditation class for some discussion--she is rather fearful, and I feel that some techniques I learned in Hawaii would help her quite a bit. However, her being fearful, I realized that I would have to go slowly. But we have known each other for several years, and have become friends. I suspect it will be several more visits before she feels comfortable working with me on her fear. Meanwhile, it is nice to get to know her a bit better, and a very interesting exercise in patience for me, not one of my strong suits...
In the afternoon, Sam hosted a Hawaiian drumming and chanting party. It felt so good to do those chants again! I can hardly wait to get back over to Hawaii--just about 3 weeks now... I'm really ready... After the party, some time talking to Sam about these courses. Then home to a beautiful mountain sunset, cooking myself a nice dinner, and some time with this entry, and posting one that I wrote a couple of days ago. Life feels very good now...
Thank you for reading.
Copyright © 2001 Pete Stevens. All rights reserved.